Arab and Yemeni Acclaim to Security Council Resolution 2624

01-03-2022 الساعة 8 مساءً بتوقيت عدن


Aden (South24) 

Today, Arab countries and local parties welcomed the United Nations Security Council's resolution to designate the Houthis as a "terrorist group" and to impose an arms embargo on them.

UN media reported yesterday that the Security Council adopted Resolution 2624 for this year, under Chapter VII, which provides for the renewal of the sanctions regime against Yemen, and classifies the Houthis as "terrorists."

Read more: UN Security Council Imposes Arms Embargo on the Houthis

The resolution, which was proposed by the UAE expands the arms embargo on the Iranian-backed rebels to include the entire group and comes after the Houthi claimed attacks against civilian facilities in the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

Locally, the STC in South Yemen welcomed the decision, and the STC Foreign Department stressed that the Security Council member states should implement the resolution.

The Foreign Department also appreciated the resolution's call for the parties to the crisis in Yemen to participate in the UN-sponsored political negotiations without preconditions.

The Yemeni government also announced that it has welcomed for the resolution. Its news agency, Saba, reported that "Yemen welcomes the designation of the Houthis as a terrorist group and its inclusion in the Security Council sanctions list."

Regionally, the Saudi Council of Ministers expressed its aspiration that the Security Council resolution against the Houthis would contribute to putting an end to their actions and neutralizing their "danger."

The UAE mission to the UN considered that the decision would limit the military capabilities of the Houthis and push for a halt to their escalation in Yemen and the region.

The decision was also welcomed by the Arab Parliament, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the Kingdom of Bahrain.

On the other hand, the Houthis announced their rejection of the decision, saying that it ignored the "crimes" of the Saudi-led Coalition. Senior Houthi leader, Mohammad Ali al-Houthi, tweeted that any arms embargo that does not apply to the Coalition "has no value."

It is noteworthy that 11 members of the Security Council voted in favor of the resolution, while the remaining four countries abstained, namely: Ireland, Norway, Mexico and Brazil. 

South24 Center for News and Studies

Photo: The UNSC voting to tighten sanctions on Houthis in Yemen (UN Security Council)

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