Yemen: Political Violence Decreased Last Week, ACLED


10-06-2022 الساعة 10 صباحاً بتوقيت عدن



In Yemen, political violence decreased last week as the country reached the end of the initial two months of the UN-mediated truce on 2 June(1). Despite this, violence levels remained high in Hodeidah and Taizz governorates, concentrated in the frontlines around Hays and Maqbanah districts. Armed clashes also took place in Jabal Habashy district and in the north of Taizz city. Violence levels decreased in Ad Dali, Marib, and Sadah governorates.

No Saudi-led coalition air raids from fighter jets were reported for the ninth consecutive week last week, and no Houthi drone or missile attacks on Saudi Arabia for the tenth consecutive week. Houthi forces, however, reported the death of two people from coalition drone strikes in Ad Dali governorat(2), and Houthi drone strikes injured a National Resistance fighter in Hodeidah.

Elsewhere, unidentified groups killed five Shabwani Defense fighters in two attacks with explosive devices in Shabwah governorate. Also in Shabwah, the 5th Giants Brigade assumed control of the Jannah Hunt sector oil fields from the 107th Infantry Brigade of the Internationally-Recognized Government (IRG)(3). This development could be linked to the establishment last week of a committee to restructure all security and military forces within the territory held by the various factions of the Political Leadership Council(4).

At the political level, UN Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg announced last week, after trips to Aden and Oman, that the IRG and the Houthis had agreed to renew their truce for another two months until 2 August(5). The decision came a few days after the parties met for the first time as part of the military coordination committee aimed at de-escalating incidents during the truce(6).

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)

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