The STC presents its military plan, Riyadh is pushing to announce the new government

04-10-2020 at 9 PM Aden Time


Aden (south24)

The head of the Southern Transitional Council, Major General Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, announced on Sunday that the council presented its plans to implement the military part of the Riyadh agreement signed with the Yemeni government, amid news of an imminent announcement of the new government in the coming days.

This came in Al-Zubaidi's speech during a meeting with the Presidium of the Transitional Council, via video technology, in which he touched on the measures that must be taken to implement the Riyadh Agreement.

Al-Zubaidi stated, according to the council’s official website, that the council’s negotiating delegation presented its plan for military part, according to the mechanism for accelerating the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, which was announced by the coalition led by Saudi Arabia at the end of last July.

He explained that many of the terms of the plan were agreed upon. “The Council’s relationship with the Arab alliance is strategic, permanent and based on partnership,” Al-Zubeidi stressed.

He stressed the need to implement the principle of parity, adding that "there will be no differences or discrepancies between the components of the south in this regard."

In this context, independent political sources in Riyadh told "South24" that it is planned to announce the formation of the new government during the next week.

The sources, who asked not to be named, indicated that "the Yemeni government has not yet submitted its plan of the military side of the agreement, while the STC has submitted its full plans."

The sources told "South24" that Riyadh may push towards announcing a new government next week, while the defense and interior ministers of the new government will oversee the implementation of the deployment process related to the military part.

On Monday, Yemeni Foreign Minister Muhammad al-Hadhrami said that the government had implemented all that it had in the framework of the mechanism for accelerating the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement.

However, Yemeni sources indicated that there are differences between the government parties and the Yemeni president regarding the implementation of the political and military part of the Riyadh Agreement.

Despite cautious optimism about a breakthrough in the crisis between the STC and the Yemeni government, the state of conflict that the Yemeni "legitimacy" forces are experiencing in Riyadh may negatively affect of the agreement's implementation.

Yemeni sources who spoke to "South24" earlier accused the Muslim Brotherhood (Islah Party), supported by Qatar, within the legitimacy of seeking to thwart the saudi peace efforts in South Yemen.

Saudi Arabia is the official sponsor of the Riyadh Agreement, which was signed by the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council on November 5, 2019 in Riyadh.

Yemen has been experiencing a civil war for six years, in which an Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia has intervened to confront the Houthi militias supported by Iran, which today control most of the geography of North Yemen.

The war caused a humanitarian crisis that the United Nations described as a "catastrophic", which resulted in the deaths of nearly 200 thousand people, half of whom were killed during the confrontations.

A new report by the United Nations World Food Program for August 2020 said that 24.3 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance and 3.6 million people are internally displaced, while 20.1 million people are food insecure.

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