The Southern Transitional Council calls for peace and the Yemeni government calls for war

16-04-2020 at 7 PM Aden Time


Aden| south24

Major General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, President of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council, emphasized that the  STC l has been, is and will always be calling for peace.

The President of the National Assembly, in a televised speech to the people in South Yemen, said on Thursday, that the transitional council "has gone and will go to the ends of the earth in search of achieving peace that brings peace and stability to our people and allows for the launch of the wheel of construction and development."

"In exchange for our pursuit of peace, we are committed to defending our people's right to freedom and dignity, and we will not accept any transgressions that detract from the dignity of our people and affect the sacrifices of our hero martyrs ... in order to restore their southern state." major General Ben Brik added.

The official’s speech in the Southern Transitional Council comes a day after the tension in Abyan governorate came after the arrival of military reinforcements belonging to the military general, Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, the Yemeni vice president.

"Our conviction, our positions and our principles have been and remain unchanging, that the South is strong with all its people, and that its rise and victory depend on the unity of all its spectra and components..our hands are and will continue to be extended to all honorable and sincere of our people who are still in the Yemeni components and parties, to join their people." Ben Brik said.

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The official’s speech in the Southern Transitional Council comes a day after the tension in Abyan governorate came after the arrival of military reinforcements belonging to the military general, Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, the Yemeni vice president.

A security source told "south24" that a military convoy consisting of 47 military vehicles and individuals, including terrorist and other members of the Islamic Islah party, was subjected to a series of ambushes in a number areas of Shabwa and Abyan, to the east of Aden, as a result of which 5 vehicles were destroyed and dead and wounded.

Activists accused the Yemeni vice president, who belongs to North Yemen, of seeking to set off a new war in South Yemen, after great efforts to calm down by a military committee between the southern transitional council and the southern military forces of the government, with the aim of reaching a lasting peace and implementing the Riyadh agreement.

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