Houthis threaten new arrest campaign in North Yemen


02-07-2024 at 5 PM Aden Time


Aden (South24) 

The Iranian-backed Yemeni Houthi group has announced plans to launch a new arrest campaign in Sanaa and other areas under its control in North Yemen, issuing a 30-day ultimatum for those they describe as “spies” to surrender themselves.

The threat came during a statement by the so-called ‘Supreme Political Council’ yesterday, according to what was reported by the Houthi-run Saba Agency.

 “The Political Council discussed the recent security achievements, the exposure of the largest American-Israeli spy network in Yemen, and the cleansing of state institutions of any intrusions,” the statement said.

“The head of the Political Council, Mahdi Al-Mashat, directed security and intelligence services to grant a 30-day deadline for those involved in associating or cooperating with the American-Israeli spy network to surrender themselves," the statement added.

The Houthis stated that "all legal consequences will be dropped for whoever does this."

“Upon the expiration of the specified period, everyone involved in treason will bear all the consequences, and the maximum penalties will be taken against them," the statement warned.

Related: Houthi Actions Threaten International Humanitarian Activities in Yemen 

On June 6, the Iran-backed Houthi militia launched a kidnapping campaign against employees affiliated with the UN and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as former Yemeni staff of the US Embassy in Sanaa.

Official UN statistics point to the arrest of 13 UN staff in addition to five employees of local NGOs during the Houthi operation, in places including Sanaa, Al-Hodeida, and Saada.

According to the Ministry of Legal Affairs in the Internationally Recognized Yemeni Government, more than 50 employees affiliated with international and local organizations have been kidnapped, including four women - one of whom was arrested with her husband and children.

On June 10, the Houthi intelligence agency announced, in a statement issued by the group’s security wing, that an “American-Israeli espionage network” had been arrested in Yemen, claiming it has direct links to the CIA.

The Houthi statement didn’t specify the number of people they had arrested but accused former Yemeni staff of the US embassy, the UN, and NGO of espionage and subversive activities. 

The statement claimed that after the US Embassy left Sanaa in early 2015, the “espionage network” continued its “subversive” activities under the cover of international aid and UN organizations, “raising slogans of humanitarian activities” as camouflage for their spying.

South24 Center

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