Soldiers of the Southern Forces (local media)

The Houthi Militia Escalates in Al-Dhalea with Dead and Wounded


Sun, 02-07-2023 11:40 AM, Aden Time

Dhalea (South24) 

6 soldiers from the Southern forces were killed and others were injured in attacks by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in Al-Dhalea governorate, north of the capital city Aden, within 72 hours.

The spokesperson of Al-Dhalea military axis Fouad Jabari told "South24 Center" that the Southern forces thwarted several infiltration attempts by the Houthi militia on Thursday and Friday.

The spokesperson indicated that four soldiers from the Southern forces were killed in Houthi drone attacks in Al-Fakher sector, northwest of Al-Dhalea, while one soldier was killed by a sniper's shot.

The Southern forces lost a sixth soldier in direct clashes with the Houthis in "Al-Thukhab sector", northwest of Al-Dhalea, as well, according to the military spokesman.

On the other hand, the Houthis lost a number of their fighters during failed infiltration attempts.

Dozens of Houthi fighters were also subjected to a siege that lasted for hours in "Al-Fakher area", before the Houthi drones intervened against the Southern forces, according to the spokesperson.

On Saturday, the Southern forces exchanged artillery shelling with the Houthi militia, north of Al-Dhalea, before a cautious calm prevailed on the battlefronts in the evening.

These Houthi attacks during Eid Al-Adha are the most prominent in weeks against the Southern forces. The militias had launched similar attacks on Yafa fronts in Lahj governorate a few days ago.

The Houthis have not officially commented on these developments yet.

South24 Center

South YemenDhaleaHouthisLahjSouthern Forces