South Yemeni Tribes Support the Consultative Meeting

The signing ceremony of the Southern National Pact, Aden, South Yemen. May 8, 2023 (STC)

11-05-2023 at 4 PM Aden Time


Aden (South24)

Major tribes in South Yemen announced their support for the outcomes of the Southern Consultative Meeting (SCM) between the Southern political and civil parties in the capital, Aden.

Numerous statements of tribes in various governorates of South praised the outcomes of the SCM and the declaration of the Southern National Pact (SNP).

The tribes of Al-Siban, Al-Ishaq, Al-Nu'man, Al-Braik, Bani Murra, Kinda tribes, Al-Shanafer tribes, and Tha'in tribes in Hadramout governorate, the largest governorate in South Yemen, congratulated the SCM.

The tribes of Al-Awaleq, Al-Musabeen, Khalifa, Laqmoush, Baawada, and Bel-Harith in Shabwa governorate also announced their support, and Al-Bakrit and Balhaf tribes in Al-Mahrah also expressed their support.

The alliance of the Awadhil tribes in Abyan governorate appreciated the participation of notables in the SCM. The Radfan and Yafa' tribes in Lahj governorate also declared their complete support for the SNP.

Fadl bin Nasir Al-Fadhli, son of the last sultan of the Al-Fadhli sultanate in Abyan, called not to miss the opportunity presented by the Southern National Dialogue (SND).

He added on Twitter: "It has never happened that the people of South were unified in this manner. Our Southern state is minutes away from independence and will be ruled by a people who learned to love the country the hard way."

"We support the Southern dialogue and the positive and strategic decisions that came out of it," said Sultan Yafea Bani Malik [a major tribal sector in the famous Yafea tribe] Iskandar Al Harhara.

Moreover, the sultan of Yafea Bani Qased [a major tribal section of the famous Yafea tribe] Nawaf Al-Afifi called on the reticent to join.

The governor of the Socotra archipelago, Raafat Al-Thaqali, confirmed the archipelago's support for the outcomes of the SCM in Aden.

Women's, youth, student and academic groups domestically and abroad announced their support for the SND and the SCM and its outcomes.

The Southern communities in the Arab Gulf, EU, US and East Asia also issued statements of support and expressed their aspiration to restore the state.

The Southern community in Switzerland appreciated the Southern Transitional Council (STC) for its main role in the success of the SND between Southerners.

During May 4-8, the largest consultative meeting of the Southern political and civil parties was held in Aden since 1990 [the unity year with North Yemen].

The STC and other key parties signed the SNP and a number of other documents.

The SNP included clauses that include consensus on restoring the state of South Yemen and the adoption of inter-dialogue and problem-solving.

The SNP also included articles related to addressing the negatives and mistakes that occurred in the state of South Yemen, such as the nationalization of property by the former Socialist Party.

The SNP emphasized respect for the cultural and historical specificities of South. It also included provisions stressing the centrality of the Islamic religion, to which most of the population profess, and respect for different religions and beliefs.

South24 Center

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