Saudi Arabia Calls for Accelerating the Return of the Riyadh Agreement’s Government to Aden

13-06-2021 at 12 AM Aden Time


Riyadh, Aden (South24)

On Saturday, the Saudi Ambassador to Yemen, Mohamed Al-Jaber called on both sides of the Riyadh Agreement to accelerate the return of the parity government to Aden to alleviate the suffering of the people.

The Saudi diplomat, who mainly handles the Yemeni file, wrote on Twitter: “the Kingdom and the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen have constantly worked with both parties of Al Riyadh Agreement to complete the implementation of its items”.

“We count on everyone to prioritize the interest of the brotherly Yemeni people above all else and to accelerate the return of the Yemeni government to Aden, and enable it to do its job to alleviate the suffering of the brotherly people and complete the implementation of the Agreement’s items” he added.

On May 30, a delegation of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) arrived at Riyadh under a Saudi invitation, to resume the consultations about the implementation of the outstanding items of the Riyadh Agreement.

Early June, The STC delegation and Saudi Ambassador to Yemen held a meeting in Riyadh labeled as “positive” by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

Read Also: The Revival of the Riyadh Agreement: Will it Bring the Solution?

The STC calls for the return of the Yemeni government to do its duties towards people and provide services and salaries.

Last March, the majority of the new 50-50 government’s ministers left Aden after public protests against the deterioration of services and the lack of salaries and oil derivatives.

Economists have accused the government of failure and corruption whereas the STC blames members of Hadi regime of thwarting the government deliberately and "torturing people in South".

It is noteworthy that in July 2020, Saudi Arabia suggested an acceleration mechanism related to the Riyadh Agreement between the Yemeni government and the STC.

This mechanism included executive points to ensure the continuation of the ceasefire and the de-escalation between the Yemeni government and the STC.

The mechanism urges the STC to declare giving up autonomy and to implement the Riyadh Agreement, as well as appointing a governor and a Security Chief in Aden.

Moreover, the mechanism called for authorizing the Yemeni PM. to form a technocratic government within 30 days, and the exit of the military forces from Aden out of the governorate, as well as the separation of the forces of the two parties in Abyan governorate and their return to their previous positions.

In addition, the mechanism included issuing a decision to form a 50-50 government equally between North and South, including the STC’s nominated ministers, and to begin their work in Aden and continue to complete the implementation of every point and track within the Riyadh Agreement, in addition to forming a joint delegation for any peace negotiations on Yemen.

The military and security part

An official source in the Saudi-led coalition confirmed last December that all necessary arrangements had been completed to implement the mechanism to accelerate the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, as it was agreed to form the Yemeni government with 24 ministers, including the STC ministers and various Yemeni political components, according to a statement published by the SPA.

The source indicated that all the necessary military and security plans for the implementation of the military and security aspects have been fulfilled.

"The steps to implement the military aspect of the Riyadh Agreement about the forces separation and exit are underway consistent with the military plans" the source announced.

He stressed that "the process of separating the forces in Abyan and their exit from Aden is still in progress under   the Coalition Forces’ supervision".

"Terrorist attacks" in Aden and Abyan

On Friday and Thursday, "terrorist" attacks rocked Aden and Abyan, targeting leaders and soldiers of the STC-affiliated Security Belt Forces. 

The two operations resulted in killing the senior official, Haidara Jubran, and the death and wounding of 30 others in Zinjibar, east of Aden.

The Yemeni government, based in Riyadh, has not yet issued a statement condemning the incident.

Read more at: 31 Dead and Wounded in A «Terrorist» Attack in South Yemen (Updated)

A statement by the Southern Forces, broadcasted in AIC TV, confirmed on Friday evening, that "Terrorism has unprecedently regained its position in the two governorates due the complicity and coordination between these extremist groups and military and political parties, led by the Brotherhood of Yemen."

The statement said that the Southern Forces has one option now  to protect the people, the land, and the gains and that they "prepared themselves at the organizational and combat levels to confront terrorism and extremism, remove its dangers, dry up its sources, and break its political and military covers and levers."

The southern forces called upon the Coalition countries and the regional and international community concerned with combating terrorism "to assume their responsibilities towards what extremist terrorist groups are committing against the people in South, and providing the necessary and direct support to complete the battle against terrorism."

In Aden, the president of the STC, Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, held a meeting with military and security leaders, stressing "the importance of continuing the security campaign to pursue terrorist elements to their dens and cells, and to apprehend outlaws under the security plan approved for this purpose," according to what the STC announced, on Saturday.

- Sources (South24, Alarbya TV, Twitter)

- Photo: The STC delegation meets a Saudi delegation headed by the Saudi ambassador to Yemen, in Riyadh, June 2021 (official)

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