The Southern Transitional Council is ready to work with Lenderking

05-02-2021 الساعة 10 مساءً بتوقيت عدن


Aden (south24)

The Southern Transitional Council (STC), in South Yemen, welcomed US President Joseph Biden's decision to appoint Mr. Tim Lenderking as special envoy to Yemen.

"We looks forward to working with him and with all efforts aimed at establishing a comprehensive peace in South, Yemen and the region in general," said the STC's official spokesman, Ali Al Kathiri, on Friday.

President Biden had launched a new initiative to end the six-year-old war in Yemen, as he appointed a personal envoy to work on peace efforts, and announced an end to offensive US support for the Saudi-led military campaign.

On Thursday, a STC's high-ranking delegation ended an official visit to the Russian capital, Moscow, during which it met with Russian officials in the Russian Foreign Ministry, the State Duma and the Federal Council.

Read more at: Russia discusses with STC the situation in South Yemen in detail

The STC, established in May 2017, and comprising most of SouthYemen's partyes, seeks to be a major party in the final peace negotiations sponsored by the United Nations, and embraces the aspirations of southerners to restore their state that existed until 1990.

The Council is a primary partner in the parity government, which resulted from the Riyadh Agreement, signed between the STC and the previous government of President Hadi, on November 5, 2019 in Riyadh.

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