Moscow praises the share of South Yemen and calls for final talks

26-12-2020 الساعة 3 مساءً بتوقيت عدن


Moscow (south24)

In official statements, the Russian Foreign Ministry said, after the new parity government’s declaration between the north and the south in Yemen, that “for the first time a significant part of ministerial portfolios was given to representatives of the southern regions.” 

Moscow called for the launch of joint talks between the Yemeni authorities and Southern Transitional Council with Houthis to reach a political solution.

Thursday evening, Russian Foreign Ministry said, according to its spokeswoman, Maria Zakarova: "According to our information, the signing of the relevant executive order by the President of the Republic of Yemen was preceded by a mutual withdrawal of troops from the contact line in the Abyan Governorate and the evacuation of STC combat units from Aden, the capital of  South Yemen."

The Riyadh Agreement resulted in a new parity government between the North and the South, more than 13 months after the agreement was signed between STC and the Yemeni government on November 5, 2019, and following a series of difficult negotiations sponsored by Saudi Arabia in Riyadh.

On December 18, the Yemeni President, Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, issued a republican decision based on several constitutional and legal references, including the Riyadh Agreement, to form a new government headed by Dr. Maeen Abdul-Malik, which includes 24 ministers equally between South and North.

"Moscow welcomes these agreements," praising to "especially highlight the role of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which have helped to reach these agreements and implement them," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

"We proceed from the fact that important steps have been taken towards the practical implementation of the Riyadh Agreement of November 5, 2019 on the normalisation of the situation in South Yemen. We hope that aforementioned measures will result in greater public security and will make it possible to focus on solving acute socioeconomic and humanitarian problems in this part of Yemen."

Russia also called "for the soonest possible implementation of the Riyadh Agreement’s provisions concerning the launch of talks between the joint delegation of the official Yemeni authorities and the Southern Transitional Council and the leadership of the Ansar Allah Houthi movement on the future political set-up of Yemen."

The Russian Foreign Ministry affirmed Russia's principled position "in favour of ending all hostilities in Yemen. We call on all parties to the conflict to refrain from attacks, in which civilians and civilian infrastructure may suffer."

"The resolution of the numerous contradictions accumulated in Yemen, including the issue of its administrative division, is only possible through an inclusive dialogue and consideration for the legitimate interests of all the leading political forces in Yemen." According to the Foreign Ministry.

The Russian Foreign Ministry’s statement carried remarkable political terms, which observers considered explicitly reflecting the Russian position in assessing the complex crises in Yemen in general, and in particular the situation of South Yemen, whose people are struggling to regain its independence and sovereignty.

STC's leadership have already held numerous political meetings with officials from the Russian Federation.

The most prominent meeting between the two parties was when the STC president, Major General Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, visited Moscow on March 20, 2019, during which he met with the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister and Russian President Putin's envoy to the Middle East and North Africa Mikhail Baghdanov, at the headquarters of the Russian Foreign Ministry. 

Al-Zubaidi and his accompanying delegation also visited the headquarters of the Russian Parliament (Duma).

Photo: Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi and a delegation from Southern Transitional Council visiting the Russian Duma, March 30, 2019 (STC)

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